
Showing posts from May, 2017


P roverb 13:12 "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life" Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 A certain sister sent this SMS to her pastor which reads thus: "Pastor, I am confused; I have been in a relationship with a brother for seven years now, he has not made any move to see my parents. He tells me we would marry "next year". It is five years now. I am thirty nine, I don't want to fool around with men. What do I do?" There is a season and time for everything under the sun and marriage is not different. Marriage between man and woman has its appointed time. Youth is the right time for marriage(Malachi 2:14). U nknown to some people, certain men have been recruited by Satan to act as perpetual suitors to women. Their assignment is to delay people's marriage. They act like an army of occupation. If you are experiencing an unusual delay in marriage, ask God to reveal its root cause to you. It cou...


1 Thessalonians 4:7:  "For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness". Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 T his message is addressed to my dear brothers and sisters who are finding it difficult to make a break with the past. Many Christians love to be raptured but they do not want to have a break with the past. What God wants from every true believer is to show evidence of a changed life style. A changed life style is what qualifies a Christian to work for God and aim for rapture. Those who work for God are separate and set apart for a pure and holy life. They are models for unbelievers to envy and copy. My brethren, you are a holy vessel set apart for God's use, therefore you are obliged to live a holy life style. Abstain from sexual immorality. Possess your vessel in sanctification and honour. Learn to exercise self-control. Do not run after everything in skirt and blouse. Are you a business man?, shun cheating and lies. Are you a public or civi...


Exodus 20: 14  "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 6:9; Proverb 8:13 A re you actively involved in a sexual relationship that is in direct violation of the 7th Commandment of God(that is, Exodus 20:14)?. As you go through this message and the prayers  that follow it, God shall give you the power to come out of adultery.  Adultery is sex or amorous affairs between a married person and someone who is not his or her legal wife or husband. It is the common ground for cases of divorce in our courts. Fornication refers to sex or amorous affairs between two unmarried persons. Adultery and fornication are both against the law of God. Any man or woman who disobeys God's law is a hater of God; you can't claim to love God when you fail or refuse to obey His laws or commandments. A hater of God is a lover of death(Proverb 8:13). We are in the end times! Some people are preaching sexual liberty. They try to convince people that bei...


Ecclesiastes 7:9  "Wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city" Bible Readings: Ecclesiastes 9:13-8; Proverb 8:12-14 A re you a child of God, a believer? A true child of God is a man of wisdom. The bible says that a man of godly wisdom is more powerful than ten generals(Ecclesiastes 7:19). The poor but wise men in our reading did not use conventional weapons to deliver his city. He used the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is the power of God(Proverb 8:14). Jesus is the wisdom of God(1 Corinthian 1:30).When you truly have Jesus Christ, you have the power of God. It is expected of every believer to demonstrate the power of God in his daily living. In public and private offices, even at home, a believer should demonstrate the power of God by being prudent in the management of scarce resources. He is wise to avoid unnecessary risks. He knows the difference between blind optimism and godly faith. He will not make a move without analys...


John 3:5. "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" Bible Readings: Ex. 15:22-25; Nu. 33:8; Eph. 5:26; Acts 22:16 Water takes pre-eminence in all of God's creation. Scientists believe that anywhere water is found, there is bound to be life. Water is a mystery. Water represents the Holy Spirit of God. Water revives the dying soul. Water is a visa to enter into the kingdom of God(John 3:15). By the water of baptism a man's sins are washed away(Acts 22:16). If you believe in God, He shall demonstrate to you today the power of His creation through the holy water. Prayers Place before you a container of very clean drinkable water as you pray. Confess Psalm 25:1-22. Go into deep repentance for all known sin that has separated you from God. Praise and worship the King of Kings. Raise your right hand up and shout "Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth"(21 t...


Ps 18:6  "In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God, He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into his ears. Read Ps 18:1-18 You have cried enough; your tears have drawn the attention of heaven. God is coming down personally to intervene in your affairs. Rise up early to pray. It is your hour of divine intervention . Prayers Thank you O God of my salvation. O Lord, arise and let my story change in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Today O Lord my God, I position myself at the pillar of divine intervention. O Lord, hear my cry in Jesus Mighty name. O God my Father, by the signs and wonders, invade every area of my life in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son. By Your power O Lord, let the resources of heaven promote me this month in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Any power that wants me to die in this month shall die in my place in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen. As I go into new month O Lord, let the ...