1 Thessalonians 4:7:  "For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness".

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

This message is addressed to my dear brothers and sisters who are finding it difficult to make a break with the past. Many Christians love to be raptured but they do not want to have a break with the past. What God wants from every true believer is to show evidence of a changed life style. A changed life style is what qualifies a Christian to work for God and aim for rapture. Those who work for God are separate and set apart for a pure and holy life. They are models for unbelievers to envy and copy.

My brethren, you are a holy vessel set apart for God's use, therefore you are obliged to live a holy life style. Abstain from sexual immorality. Possess your vessel in sanctification and honour. Learn to exercise self-control. Do not run after everything in skirt and blouse. Are you a business man?, shun cheating and lies. Are you a public or civil servant?, remove your hand from bribe and looting. Refrain from fraudulent business deals. The law of retribution shall eventually catch up with those who live a crooked life style.

A changed life style means love for all brethren unconditionally, without hidden agenda. Love as Jesus Christ loved you(as  He gave Himself to be crucified on the Cross for the salvation of your soul). A changed life style of holiness is the life that pleases God. God is holy, all who bear His name and have the hope to stand before Him at rapture must live a holy life. Fix your eyes on the things above. Do not meddle in other people's affairs. Be self dependent and live a quiet life in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

When you do all these, God will lift you up and you will earn the esteem of all around you. The Glory of the Lord shall shine upon you. Always pray for God's grace to overcome Satan and his agents; the grace to live above sin everyday of your life.

Thank You Father in heaven for calling me to a life of holiness in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.
The power to break up with my old life of uncleanness, come upon me now in Jesus Mighty name, amen.
O Lord my God, I desire to work for You, sanctify me unto a life of holiness in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Foundation of sexual immorality be cleansed off me by the special blood of Jesus Christ, amen.
I shall only drink water from my cistern. Power of lust and covetousness that is still remaining in my life, die by fire and thunder from heaven in Jesus Mighty name, amen.
Today, I live a straightforward life in truth and in love of God in Jesus name, amen.
Power to love and to be loved, come upon my life in Jesus Mighty name,amen.
Satanic diversion leading me to sin and ruin my life, be flushed out of me by the precious water from the side of Jesus Christ, amen.
My soul, body and spirit, receive Pentecost fire of God the Holy Spirit and begin to desire and live a holy life, so that we can be raptured and not left behind when the trumpet of God sounds in Jesus Mighty name, amen.

I decree and declare, my eyes are fixed on the things above. Deceitfulness of sin I am not your candidate, die in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen!!!


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