Ecclesiastes 7:9  "Wisdom strengtheneth the wise more than ten mighty men which are in the city"

Bible Readings: Ecclesiastes 9:13-8; Proverb 8:12-14

Are you a child of God, a believer? A true child of God is a man of wisdom. The bible says that a man of godly wisdom is more powerful than ten generals(Ecclesiastes 7:19). The poor but wise men in our reading did not use conventional weapons to deliver his city. He used the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is the power of God(Proverb 8:14). Jesus is the wisdom of God(1 Corinthian 1:30).When you truly have Jesus Christ, you have the power of God.

It is expected of every believer to demonstrate the power of God in his daily living. In public and private offices, even at home, a believer should demonstrate the power of God by being prudent in the management of scarce resources. He is wise to avoid unnecessary risks. He knows the difference between blind optimism and godly faith. He will not make a move without analysing available information. He relies on divine knowledge. Joseph was wise; he received a vision, obeyed the angel's instruction and he saved the baby Jesus Christ from early death in the hands of Herod(Matthew 2:13-14).

Do you know of a man or woman who truly demonstrates the fear of God?. The power of God is in that person. He knows God. By godly counsel he can save his marriage, career or business from ruin. He can be trusted with sound wisdom. Such people know when to move and when to stay and watch(Matthew 10:16). Trust them for godly leadership in time of crisis. They will dispense justice, fairness and equity like Solomon(1 Kings 3:23-28).Are you presently demonstrating the power of God in your place of work?. Do you demonstrate signs and wonders in your ministerial assignment?. I need to counsel that the power of God in a man is not for him to boast. Be humble, let the mind of Jesus Christ of Nazareth be in you(Philippians 2:5). 

Let us pray us pray to have men and women who can demonstrate the power of God to lead the various nations of the world, Nigeria in particular.

Thank You Lord God for the sevenfold anointing of Jesus Christ Your Son which is made available for me.

O Lord, lay Your hands upon me and anoint me with power and might in Christ Jesus. Anointing to demonstrate the power of God in my life, come upon me in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.

O Lord my God, give me spiritual knowledge to manage the affairs of my marriage, home and children in Jesus Mighty name. The power to understand and know the right way to God, come upon my life in Jesus Mighty name, amen.

My life and service for God, explode with signs and wonders in Jesus Mighty name. My spirit man, receive the light of God and shine forth in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. My spirit man, wake up by the fire of Holy Ghost, amen. 

Power to fear God and be humble, be upon our leaders in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. O Lord our God, give nations of the world, more especially Nigeria, anointed leaders, amen. I make this prayer in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.


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