Stella Damasus Upset By The Idea Of #Youths Relying On Constant Begging As Means Of Survival Instead Of Learning A Trade To Catch Their Own Fish

Nollywood star #StellaDamasus advised youths to be masters of their own instead of depending on constant begging of money from people they feel are well-to-do. 

                          Stella Damasus speaks 

"Begging for small money here and there will guarantee a constant state of poverty, but acquiring the knowledge and skills and using it to earn a living guarantees constant money in your pocket"

This she pointed out when reacting to the idea of some youths constantly asking her(and other celebrities) for money but refuse to learn something that will help them stand on their own when such a good idea is put up or suggested to them. 

She said "Like many others, I receive direct messages from young people asking me to help them out with their problems. They need money to pay for one thing or the other. 90% of the time it's nothing medical or life threatening, just money to pay rent or one course in school. I take time to read through their stories and help as many as I can but trust and believe that my contribution may not solve the problem totally. I try to follow up with these people and I find that they always end up in the same place (broke). So I started asking them to learn a trade, use their talent, get mentors, learn from YouTube. If these people have enough data to come and ask for money on social media then they would definitely have enough to learn something from YouTube or other free webinars."

According to the beautiful actress, some of the youths advised would resort to quarrelling with her that have given them such good advice.

"The moment I start to ask them to learn something I become an enemy. Then I get messages like "if you don't want to help me just say it. We, your fans have made you into a star but you can't help us with your money", she said.

She also made it known that all these used to get her angry but she understands.

According to her,  "It used to upset me but then I had to understand that the heart of a hungry person can lead to verbal diarrhea. My only problems is that they are hungry for the WRONG THING. You want the money but you don't want the knowledge of the source where you can keep making that money. I don't get it".

She further said "You want to keep asking for fish but you don't want to learn to catch your own fish. Who knows if you will even start catching more fish than the person you are begging from".

She concluded by saying "I am saying this again " begging for small money here and there will guarantee a constant state of poverty, but acquiring the knowledge and skills and using it to earn a living guarantees constant money in your pocket". Become your own boss and stop living this HAND ME DOWN life".

What is your take on this?


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