Economic impact of Synagogue Church Of All Nations(SCOAN) in Nigeria

Synagogue Church Of All Nations(SCOAN) is a Christian organization in Nigeria(does not have branch anywhere around the world) founded by prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua(born June 12, 1963), who is commonly referred to as T.B Joshua. T. B Joshua is a Nigerian pastor,  televangelist and philanthropist(Wikipedia).

Hypothetically, Synagogue Church Of All Nations(SCOAN) has positive impacts on Nigeria(where it's located) economy. Its economic impacts can be seen in the areas of foreign exchange, tourism, transportation, accommodation, food, etc.  In other words, SCOAN add some value to Nigeria currency(naira), bring continuous revenues to areas of the economy like transportation, housing, tourism, food vendors, etc. 

According to the organization, more than 15,000 members attend its weekly sunday services. For foreigners, they must look for Nigeria currency(naira) in the money market to easily offset their bills while attending church services in the country, thereby adding some value to naira(in the long run when the law of demand and supply takes effect in the money market, ceteri peribus). In the transport sector, the standard of living of transporters(bus, keke, taxi, etc)  likely to increase as the get more jobs(more daily income) of transporting both foreigners and locals to SCOAN for weekly services(prayers and worship). In the area of accommodation, most of the people visiting Synagogue Church Of All Nations tend to lodge in hotels or rented guest houses for some days , from where they can be attending church services till the day they will go back to their places of resident. Though the visitors from outside Nigeria are accommodated in the accommodation blocks constructed at the church. Also there is increase in the business activities in the area of foods, snacks, toiletries, etc. Thus, the revenue and living standards of the business owners in the area are likely to be on the increase. SCOAN positively affect the revenue generated by the tourism sector of Nigeria economy as visitors would like to visit some attraction centres of the country. According to  Wikipedia, Synagogue Church Of All Nations(SCOAN) has been described as "Nigeria's biggest tourist attraction" and "the most visited destination by religious tourists in West Africa", with thousands of foreigners flocking to attend the church's weekly services; figures released by the Nigerian Immigration service indicated that six out of ten foreign travellers coming into Nigeria are bound for the SCOAN, a fact discussed in Zimbabwean parliament when addressing the economic potentials of religious tourism.

Lastly, as much as Synagogue Church Of All Nations(SCOAN) has economic impact in Nigeria, it also has social impacts in the country. As it's church of all nations, people from all over the world assemble in Nigeria to worship God Almighty. Is that not unique, wonderful and lovely! Personally, it's a blessing to Nigeria as a country. Back to the social impacts of SCOAN. As I was saying, as people of different backgrounds; languages, culture or tradition, ideas, vision, etc gather for God there will be interactions which could result into such things like international marriage, friendship, business, exchange of ideas, knowledge, etc. 

This article "Economic impact of Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Nigeria" first appeared on this site ""


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