#SEX IS NEVER ENOUGH....................Genevieve Nnaji

Is Sex Enough To Keep A Man? 

                          Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji

According to Nollywood actress, #JenevieveNnaji, sex is never the ultimate or main thing when a lady wants to keep her man all to herself. This she shared in her facebook page "Jenevieve Nnaji Scream". The beautiful single mother of one believes that keeping a man is beyond giving him good sex. She pointed out that men love ladies that are intelligent and respectful; ladies with visions or ideas, as sex is cheap. She advised ladies to build themselves beyond sex and make-ups to match the needs of men(respectful and intellectually or ideologically sound companions); men need help-mates not make-up artistes. 😂 

See her post:
"It's possible for any man to ask for sex in a relationship, but is left for you as a lady to know that sex, can't keep him..(Sex isn't enough).
There are two major factors ladies complain about sex in a relationship:

1. After giving him my body he left me..
2. He left because I refused to have sex with him..
NOTE: Both those who gave and those who refused to give are complaining...
( Whats the difference)
Ladies Listen, Sex isn't enough, its not the only thing you can offer a man.
If You Don't Have Anything To Offer A Man Outside Sex, Please remain Single...
A man can't stay with you because his having sex with you....
Relationship is not buying and selling.
There are much to life than Monkey style, Doggy style, Missionary style, Apple and juice style, step pillows style, etc ...
Are you sound intellectually? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?
Men love intelligent ladies...
Men love ladies with ideas..
Men love respectful ladies...
Sex is very cheap these days, anybody can buy it.
You need to build yourself beyond sex.
Leave make-ups and be a productive lady.
Men are looking for ladies with ideas and solution not those who paint their faces with different colours.
What a man wants is beauty with brain not make ups with boobs or hips....
Sex is not everything about life there is more to life than sex .. 
So please build yourself very well , so that when the man is now coming to you your ability to arouse his loins and his intellect is what will keep you with the man outside that sex is sold on the street and he can always buy it .. Is cheaper everyday and he can afford it."

Some Of The Public Opinions On The Topic:

Kelvin Okonji: "Yes sex can't keep a man but seriously, none of the above can also, what keeps a man is one thing ,the level of his commitment to God's commandments"

Tumi: "Lol when a man loves you he loves you! It's a decision beyond sex. Not all married and women with ideas and intellectual mind gets married. It is important to have self respect but mostly God fearing. Marriage is a blessing from God."

Andhong: "While I agree with the essence of this message...we also have to consider that Sex is part and parcel of the Whole.
Take away a part and the relationship would be a disastrous as well...
What is common to long lasting relationship generally, is the presence of Love...
Love transcends the Physical, the Material, and the Sexual aspects of a meaningful and lasting relationship."

Mathias Precious: "Yes you're right, but I ask is celebrities who are left by their supposed spouse not intelligent enough or not sexually enough or they are too intelligent that they can't stay married? No offence. Cos they can't keep relationship how can they keep their marriage"

Daniel Eneje: "Any lady that don't have the ability to contribute her 30% quoters in marriage is gone, bcos marriage nowadays is 70/30.if ur wife is doing something u will live longer, money cement love, l so much Cherish my wife bcos she has something doing nd offer than sex, No man is happy to buy Rice,salt,onion and pay school fees, A joyful home is when both r contributing, ladies take note"

Mary Owino: "The ideal is the later. Dont give into sex for a man who is not married to you whatsoever. He has had others before you n he still left them. A genuine discplined and focused man should exercise the power to wait and listen to you too. Anything less than this will only soak your pillow with tears for the rest of your life. Keep off a sex pauper....."

Telema Elisha: "A lot of young ladies and girls take a good look at themselves in the mirror, then square up their shoulders and conclude that they've arrived because of their belief that they'er extremely beautiful. Such women forget about manners, decorum, conduct, attitude and acceptable norm in the society(all sum up to absence of the fear of God). Intellectual capacity, or IQ far below average. Result: they remain single or at best single mothers throughout their lives. This theory is as immutable as night following day. No man will want to endure to the end of his life with a bad 'charactered' woman. She will definitely expire sooner or later."

Stephen Kioko: "That is very true. Treat a man like a King and he will treat you like a Queen. If you treat him like a house boy, he will treat you like a house girl."

Ekwuribe Chisom Clement: "That is my superstar speaking, beautiful na true talk so many young ladies don't know all about these, is time to enlighten young ladies on how to leave a useful life style not about trading sex for money. But being useful in there relationship to build health environment."

Charles Arkue: "Genevieve  Nnaji Scream, miss can you open a counselling school in Africa for women of Africa around the world?  It is very important and serious that most of our sisters, daughters, mothers, aunties, nices, grandmothers, and all our female relatives had missed their importance of what God had made them in this world. 

Therefore some men who know that they had missed their importance, just treat them the way they presented themselves to those men. But rather keep blaming all men in the world. 

God  said to us men, he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. And he God favor is upon that men. But women today feel their bodies are items to be sold and bought by men. As a slave of God, I most times said not being a female qualified you to be a wife to a man.

 Not even your beauty and your sex given to a man will satify a man to stay with you and be commited to you. 

But being like Sarah Abraham's wife."

Anakor Obiora Dignity: "I saw the sex movie (blue film) you acted, was that source of educating ladies positively or source of making money??? And since u ustand all dis principles of making good home y then are you still unmarried? Well to me ur advises are cool but I could have ustand and appreciate it more if it’s coming from person of Chioma Chukwuka. You don’t portray good image of what you are saying"

Synger Chukwuemeka: "Yes u r right, but no matter wat may, men will always b men, u can never satisfy them, Now after building yourself they will come to you cos of what u have built n have, hardly will already made lady find a true love from them, they r gold diggers as far as am concerned,... I have managed to build myself to my comfort n happiness, but bordered about them ( men ) cos any move u make to maintain a relationship they call it a desperation, so Ur own man will come in due time sex or no sex, u can change nor satisfy them, ..... My build ups my pride, my comfort, my happiness, men r danm wicked."

 What is your take on this?


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