Exodus 20:7- "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guilty that taketh his name in vain"

Bible Readings: Matthew 12:31, 36-37

Profanity is to speak an offensive word or language. It could be a curse, dirty word, swearing, vulgar or obscene language. When you treat with great disrespect a holy thing, place or object, it is profanity. Those who profane the name of God are breaking the third commandment (Exodus 20:7). God is holy and sovereign. He deserves total respect from you His creature. The sin of profanity is called blasphemy. Jesus Christ warned against blasphemy (Matthew 12: 13, 36). Therefore, watch what you say at all time. By your word you shall be justified and by your word you shall be condemned (Matthew 12:37).

The tongue with which you blaspheme is given to you by God. He can decide to squeeze this unruly member out of your mouth. Use your tongue to glorify God not for profanity. Do not use your tongue to curse or swear. Hell is waiting for those who use their tongue to desecrate the name of God. Each time I see an unbelieving comedian misuse the name of God in order to humour or entertain fans or spectators at an evening party or on television, etc, my spirit boils in anger. I equally pity those people because it seems that pursuit of material things of the world has made them myopic and ignorant of what they say. Those who know God honour His name; they weigh each letter of the word before pronouncing the name God or Yahweh.

Do not call on the name of God without a significant or meaningful reason. The bible teaches that when we call the name of God in the days of trouble He shall answer (Psalms 50:15; 91:15). When we play on the name of God how shall He answer? Will He not think that we are joking with His name?. The Lord will hold you guilty for calling His name in vain (Exodus 20:7). Respect the name that is above all names (Philippians 2:9-10)

Prophetic Prayers

  • Spend time to praise and worship God. Thank Him for your life.

Father, forgive my sin of profanity in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.
Evil power(s) provoking me to call the name of God in vain, die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Power to invoke the name of the Lord God of Elijah come upon me in Jesus mighty name, amen.
Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth cleanse my tongue of blasphemy in Jesus mighty name, amen.
By the name that is above all names (Jesus Christ of Nazareth), O Lord work signs and wonders in my life, amen.
In Jesus mighty name, I refuse to associate with the unserious people who blaspheme the name of God, amen.
My tongue, you shall vnot put me into trouble against my Creator in Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.
Power to respect and reverence God Almighty, come upon me now in Jesus mighty name, amen.
By the name that is greater than all names, I call into being prosperity and good health upon my life, amen.


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