Do you know that, Computer is better than human dermatologists at detecting skin cancer? , 'Programmed' stem cells have been approved to mend human hearts for the first time?, The gene behind Huntington’s disease could be neutralized and Microbes are set to alter the economy?

A team from Germany, the United States, and France taught an artificial intelligence system to distinguish dangerous skin lesions from benign ones, showing it more than 100,000 images.
According to the researchers, a computer was found to be better than human dermatologists at detecting skin cancer in a study that pitted human against machine in the quest for better, anfaster diagnostics. 

Further more, do you know that; ‘Reprogrammed’ stem cells have been approved to mend human hearts for the first time ?
The latest clinical use of induced pluripotent stem cells excites researchers, but some fear the therapy will be rushed to market
According to the report, Scientists in Japan now have permission to treat people who have heart disease with cells produced by a revolutionary reprogramming technique. The study is only the second clinical application of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. These are created by inducing the cells of body tissues such as skin and blood to revert to an embryonic-like state, from which they can develop into other cell types.

Do you know how the gene behind Huntington’s disease could be neutralized?
According to report, Antisense oligonucleotides are providing researchers and patients with fresh hope of targeting the condition’s genetic cause.
In September 2014, at a meeting of the European Huntington’s Disease Network, Sarah Tabrizi announced the launch of a drug trial. Tabrizi, a neurologist and director of the University College London Huntington’s Disease Centre, would be working with Ionis Pharmaceuticals of Carlsbad, California, to test the safety and tolerability of a drug candidate called IONIS-HTTRx in people for the first time. The drug had been designed to reduce the amount of protein being made by the gene that causes Huntington’s disease. That gene is referred to as  huntingtin (HTT). 
Lastly, do you also know that; microbes are set to alter the economy; economies and employment in the developing world that depend on supplying naturally occurring ingredients.?
According to report, gene editing stands to accelerate the engineering of microbes for industrial production of food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, biofuels, chemicals and biomaterials. There is a risk, however, that microbial biotechnologies could destabilize economies and employment in the developing world that depend on supplying naturally occurring ingredients. For example, a biosynthetic process for making a precursor of the antimalarial drug artemisinin has been developed, which could threaten the jobs of farmers who harvest its natural source, the plant Artemisia annua

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