Evangelistical Gist-- Gospel Truth...Secular things are vanities

   Jesus Christ preaching to congregation 
                       The Gospel Truth
My neighbor who travelled to Lagos, after quarrelling with his senior brother, came back with nothing. Then I thought he would go back but up till now he is still around. I remember him today because of a statement he made that surprised me,  and it still surprises me.
He said "This world is so so sweet". Initially, I took the statement without much meaning into it. But when he talked further, I realized that he was referring to having sex with different women. To him, having different girl/boy friends and having sex with them makes this world very very sweet. It is all about mixing or tasting different soup, as they refer it; to them having sex with only A is not sweet, but when you mix it up(having sex with A, B, C, etc) is very sweet. What a pity!!! 
Sex is for the pleasure and relaxation of those that are married(husband and wife), not for singles or people that are not legally married. The ten commandments of God is explicit on this in Exodus 20. God's plan is one man and one woman(his wife), Genesis 2. Anything contrary to God's plan is sin. Like him many of us are being carried away with secular things,  not knowing or realizing that anything that is ungodly is vanity. 
This world they rightly say,  is like a market. All of us are in it like buyers and sellers. Anything you do while on earth will be used to judge you at the last day. If you do well(measured by how you are able to keep the ten commandments of God), heaven is for you. Otherwise, hell fire is for you. 
® She's not properly dressed, instead of you to preach to her, you are shouting "WOW!!! you look sexy.... Brother/sister u are part of the problem. #Repent

®A preacher said "if you know what I know, you'll laugh less and cry more" does that ring bell in our ear/head? Do we have to see before we believe? #Repent

® I want to have money, I want to marry a beautiful wife, I want to marry a handsome guy, I  want to buy a nice car, I want to build a big house; is that all we think about? We will all die & leave all these...Vanities! #Repent

® You think regret is when u did not marry the man u wanted, or did not study the course you liked or course that is lucrative? NO! Regret is you reaching the grave without enough good deeds"...Vanity! #Repent

®Rich, poor, pretty, ugly, slim, fat, literate, illiterate, white, black, ustaz, pastor, player, King, slave, PDP, APC, DEATH does not care who u are, when its time, you are going" #Repent

® Someone is dead & you are alive, someone is sick & u are healthy, someone is lost & you are guided, why then are u sad coz someone is rich & you are poor? why are you ungrateful? Thank God. #Repent

® Oh boy! Oh baby!! see Benz, Chai see house, damn! see that babe" Bros the world is just a play & illusion, its beauty doesn't last, don't be carried away, seek. Seek first his Kingdom. #Repent

® Wisdom,  people will be naked, but the fear of judgement will not allow u look, have that fear now and stop asking, uploading or downloading nude pictures. #Repent

"Jesus is not coming now, I go Repent before then. Abi???" Bro/Sis,  if you die tonight your judgement has started. #Repent!

® She wasn't your wife, you had sex with her, she became pregnant, you made her abort. Illegal relationship + murder, committed by you alone and you are boasting ..... "I've conquered that babe"... #Repent

® "Body no be firewood" Seriously? Is that why you commit Sin? You no know say na de same body dem go carry do firewood 4 hell? Don't allow yours to be among. #Repent.

®Anyone who is not your husband and wanna have sex with you! - he's ur enemy, his love is fake, no true love will want u 2 go 2 hell and miss Heaven #Repent

® You never shed tears even once while reciting scriptures but Films dey make u cry, Hmmm check your yourself. #Repent

® Eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip stick, concealer, blusher. powder, if u like do plastic surgery, if your heart is bad, you're dead ugly. #Repent

® God can change you from Ajebota to Ajepako, it's all test of life, don't let Ajebota life make u forget God, always remember Him & thank Him. #Repent

® If u'r not ready you can postpone your wedding date, graduation date, election date, but u can never postpone your death date, always be ready. #Repent

® If you don't respect your parents, your life go bend, and you might end up in hell. #Repent!

®I have a meeting! I have a meeting!! Is that why u rush your prayers? Noooo! Don't disrespect God. Don't take Him for granted too.
As you are still alive, try to live each day as the end of your life. that will help you to  adjust your ways or lifestyle to the ways that please your creator(God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth)

Thanks for your attention. This is Evangelism, please take part in it and forward this to contacts or group  you care for. May our God Almighty bless you as you do this in Jesus name, amen.
Never be ashamed of Jesus Christ of Nazareth or His good work...For He cares for, and loves you. It's a new dawn for you and me!!!Goodmorning!


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