We all know that Satan has much power than human beings as God threw him down from heaven without taking any of his powers away from him, and gave him freedom to win souls for himself.

During temptation, human beings tend to allow their communication with Satan to be a one-way thing. That's, man tends to allow Satan to talk while he listens and ponders over what this deceitful one says. This big mistake man makes allow devil the time and space to have upper hand in convincing him to disobey God Almighty.

We should always learn from Jesus Christ. When Satan saw that Jesus Christ fasted for fourty days and fourty nights, he felt that Jesus must be weak by then, hence he came around tempting Him with material  things he felt He would want. The temptation of Jesus Christ by Satan is recorded in the book of Matthew 4:1-11. The Bible makes us to understand that Jesus did not keep quiet to ponder over the tactical things  Satan had to say. Rather, our Lord Jesus Christ answered to him in tactical ways and made Satan see the reason why He shouldn't do what he is asking of Him. At last, Jesus Christ made him to flee.

We,  human beings, should always copy Jesus Christ in dealing with Satan. We should always talk to Satan with boldness and command. For instance, if you're walking along a bush part and see a goat tied in the bush. Satan will come immediately to you to tempt you with it, especially if you are in need of live goat or meat. The conversation may look like this:
Satan: See goat tied there and nobody is around, you can take it since you need it.
You: Pondering over what Satan is whispering to you.
Satan: Take it now before the owner or somebody else comes around.
You: Welcoming what the deceitful one is telling you and start looking around to make sure somebody is not around.
Satan: Remember that you need meat(or if money,  he would say to you, remember that you seriously need money to solve your problems. So why not take this goat and sell it to solve your monetary problems.)
You: Without asking questions, you will then go and take what belongs to another person against the commandment of God that says: thou shalt not steal.
Immediately you do what Satan has asked of you, he will shift to the corner and start mocking you that he has succeeded in deceiving you, hence on his way to depriving you the glorious place he lost out of disobedience.

What we should understand is that Satan wants man to disobey God so that man will lose heaven like himself. He is jealous of man because of the glorious place in heaven he lost and man is meant to occupy/enjoy. Satan really hate man so much because of this glorious home above. He is doing everything to deprive you this heavenly home by making you to disobey God. Mind you, obedience is better than sacrifice. God so much love obedient person.

You should be harsh with Satan and ask him tactical questions too.  For instance, in the example above you can tell Satan that the goat is not yours and the owner needs the goat that's why he or she bought it. Tell him that how would he feel if he was the owner of the goat and another person steals it where he kept it. Likewise when Satan asks you to commit adultery. You should be in position to ask him questions like "if really that am feeling honey for sex(and not you(satan) pushing me to offend God) why am I not having such sex fire for my partner(at that moment) and enjoy the sex with him or her instead of someone else; why should I do it with another person which will attract God's anger upon me and for the fact that my partner has the same features the outside person has(and even more)?.

However, you should be very careful while questioning satan because he is very smart and can give you some good reasons why you should go ahead to steal the goat, or why you should not be having sex only with your partner. Therefore, I will suggest that the best way to deal with Satan is to rebuke him like our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth did. We shouldn't give him chance to talk to us let alone allowing him to convince us. He should be ordered to go behind us whenever he comes around to tempt and push us into sin. 

May God Almighty help you and I to always come out of temptation victorious. I pray that His power of righteousness will always fall on and preserve us against daily temptations, amen!!! 


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