#Health: It Is A Handset Not A Pocket set; Stop Boiling Your Eggs!
By Richard Guys, we've been digging our graves ooo! Putting sets in your pocket or inside bra can cause some health issues It is a handset In one of our training sessions yestaday, the facilitator collected a Nokia torch hand set with fully charged battery. He brought a fresh egg. Then he puts the egg and the handset together and place them into a polythene bag. He tied the bag and told us to call the phone number..... Calling....calling.. ..busy.. busy. When the battery is drained down, he gave the phone to the owner and cracked the egg. Behold the egg was cooked!!.. done!!!. We were surprised and asked for the explanation. He told us that every handset emits electromagnetic rays. That it was the rays that was responsible for cooking of that egg. He also said that for device to be named " hand set " by international bodies is not by accident. It is not a pocketset He said that it is never a pocket